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My Experience: About Me
Chloe Agyin - Profile Picture - 8-07-2023_edited.png
Chloe Agyin
(pronounced A-gin)
Trauma Therapist
Pronouns: They, Them, Theirs
Languages: English
In-person & Telehealth

Chloe Agyin is a proud multiracial queer person. Chloe was born and raised in Southern California and has been a proud Utah resident for the past 8 years!

They received their Bachelor's degree in Family Studies from Brigham Young University and their Master's degree in Social Work from the University of Utah. 

Chloe strives to create a therapeutic space centered on social justice, diversity, and equity with an emphasis on the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities. As a commitment to social justice, Chloe is involved with The OUT Foundation and Curly Me! whose purposes are to provide accessible resources to communities who are marginalized.

In their free time you can find Chloe reading a good book, hiking, or exploring the ever growing city that is Salt Lake.

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